Buying CBD Products


CBD Usage Guidelines

Written by
Pharm + CBD
While there are plenty of CBD oils on the market today, it’s important to find a quality product from a brand you trust. But since products are popping up everywhere from online e-commerce websites to gas stations we recommend trusting us, the Pharmacists on this.

If You're Looking To Buy, You've Come To The Right Place.

Pharm + CBD houses an online store with only the most rigorously standardized testing so you'll know you're not getting cheep knock offs such as non-CBD hemp oil, unsafely produced products that often house toxic chemicals and left-over plant residue that does agree with human ingestation. We heavily scrutinize our products and provide everything on-site so you can rest at ease, knowing you're buying Grade A CBD-oils and CBD products.

Looking for Additional Tips and Help?

As Pharmacists, we recommend calling us for a Free one-n-one consult over the phone to recommend products that will fit best for your body type and physiology. But if you're too busy for that, simply follow these tips and tricks below.

  1. Always look for products made by companies in states that have legalized the recreational and medical use of cannabis. These states have stricter standards in CBD production. If you live in a “CBD-only” state, choose CBD products made with American-grown hemp (from Colorado, Kentucky, Oregon, Montana, Vermont, Tennessee, etc.) rather than foreign countries like China.
  2. Beware companies claiming the product is a "cure-all" as this is both false, and prohibited by the FDA.
  3. Look for CBD-rich products that come from high-resin cannabis.
  4. Make sure the products states the amount of CBD and/or THC per serving rather than entire bottle cannabinoid content.
  5. Avoid poorly made CBD gummies that contain corn syrup or artificial colors.
  6. Avoid products saying their CBD is derived from the stalk or seed since CBD is not present in seeds and hardly present in stalks.
  7. Don't be afraid to contact the company directly if you are wary of its marketing, packaging, or claims.
  8. Beware companies requiring you sign-up for recurring purchases.
  9. Choose "full spectrum" CBD-rich oil extracts and avoid isolate, distillate, or products with a label saying "pure CBD" or "no THC"
  10. Avoid CBD hemp oil vape cartridge products with toxic thinning agents.
Published On
January 13, 2020

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